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Thursday, May 19, 2011

It’s a Mod-House! Kunststoff haus FG-2000 Pre-Fab Fiberglass Coolness from 1970

A House Austin Powers Would Love
– Yeah Baby!

Found pictures of this Mod German Powerhaus when I was trolling the Googlesphere for Modness. It was so Mod, so colorful and cool, so Mod-Mojo recharging, I thought I would share.

Apparently this was produced for resale briefly in Europe and the US. Most of the furniture was fiberglass as well. For me, it’s not so much of a pre-fab story as a great colorful Modern décor story – which we love.

Hope you enjoy! Shine on!

Dig the GROOVY shagadelic carpeted ceiling

Round Bed with sliding storage unit wall

The Control Panel - 007 Style

Sliding storage

Opening party in 1970

I would like to give a shout out to moderndesigninterior.com from which I poached most of the material for this post today. Couldn't help myself - it was just to Mod to be true :)


  1. LOVE the red bathtub and sinks! I think I would feel incredibly claustrophobic with rugs on the ceiling though--like they would eat me or something...but it does make for a wild photo!

  2. The carpeted ceiling does drop the ceiling visually, but I agree its a wild statement. Pretty cool to have vivid furniture on mostly while floor carpet, then a crazy colorful ceiling carpet. Something New! Brax
