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Monday, September 12, 2011


Let's begin with the story board which is quite literally a sequence of images that tell a story.  Apparently the Disney Studio began to use story boards in the 1930's when the animated projects they were working on became complicated enough that it was difficult to keep the story line straight.  The boards were a way for the animators and writers to work together with less confusion as to the sequence of the story line itself.
Obviously the story board is quite specific and generally used by graphic designers for the film industry, music videos, TV commercials, educational and gov. training and more.  Novelists and those in the publishing industry frequently use story boards as well.
Color Boards:
This is an example of a color board, used by interior designers to keep the details of a project organized and to show how all the surfaces of a room will work together.
 If you are interested in making your own color board I found these guide lines from an on- line interior design program.  Sounds like fun!  Of course you begin with a board, which could be as simple as a foam board from an office supply store.  I've used soooo many foam boards over the years.  On your board you will want to attach color samples of the following...

  1. Paint colors for walls, trim and ceiling, and any other wall coverings, wallpaper, fabric, etc.
  2. Floor coverings - i.e. carpet, stone, wood, etc.
  3. Window treatments - i.e. drapery, blinds, shutters, etc.
  4. Furniture finishes - i.e. wood, metal, plastic, etc.
  5. Upholstery fabrics
  6. Accent colors
Fairly specific guidelines I know.....but if you are making a inspiration board for your own use, have fun, there are no rules!

An example of a creative color board made for a wedding.
  Christina Aguilera uses mood boards to plan her albums.  Stephen Webster was so inspired by her mood boards he created his jewelry line from them.
Fashion designers have long used mood or inspiration boards and have produced some of the most beautiful boards I've seen.
 Mood Board:  designers and others use mood boards to develop design concepts and communicate them to other members of the design team.

We will be exploring different materials one can use to make an inspiration board.  This one seems to be made of chicken wire and clothes pins. Brilliant!!

We will also explore the use of inspiration boards as a part of the decor, something Braxton and I have done many times.

This inspiration board is actually a wall painted with dry erase paint.  Who knew?

Lots of creative business rely on inspiration boards.  These boards are placed in a hallway so that all employees can benefit and add to when needed.

Wire and small clips make a wonderful "board".
Inspiration boards can help you see connections and how your pictures relate to each other.  There are no rules! 
Braxton and I have used inspiration boards for years.  They inspire us and keep us focused.
Have you ever used an inspiration board?
We've got a lot to talk about this week....as always....I'd love to hear from you!
Have a beautiful day!

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