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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Imaigine it's a random rainy afternoon in America in 1920-something.  There is no television, no computer, no video games, oh and prohibition is in full force.  Damn. 
It's no wonder Americas obsession with Hollywood and her goddesses truly began in the 20's.  Let's meet some of the most influential (from a fashion perspective) and beautiful actresses of the day.....
Beginning with perhaps the most famous of the bunch....May west.  Ms. West's movie career didn't actually begin until the 30's, but in the 20's she appeared on stage many times.  She wrote, produced and directed her first play, SEX, which opened and closed on Broadway in a matter of days due to her 10 day incarceration stemming from morals charges. 
She was also an early defender of gay rights and quite the wit.  I'll be peppering this post with some of her most charming, and risque quotes. 

Interestingly, May West's figure was not at all fashionable for the times.  She stood a mere 5 ft. and was obviously quite curvy.  I guess even in the 20's a woman needed some meat on her bones in order to be considered a sex symbol. 

 "Personally, I like two types of men - domestic and foreign".  May West

 Clara Bow
Imagine how scandalous this must have been!
 Clara Bow, "the IT girl", was the inspiration for Max Fleischer's Betty Boop.
"A hard man is good to find".  May West
 Marion Davies
The arched eyebrows and well defined mouth were typical for the 20's.
 "Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly". May West
Marion Davies, quite scandalously, lived with publisher/tycoon William Raldolf Hearst for decades without ever marrying him.  She was also rumoured to have had an affair with Charlie Chaplin.

 "He who hesitates is a damn fool".  May West
"I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it".  May West
 Carole Lombard
She got her start in movies in the 20's, although she was most famous for starring in "screw ball comedies" of the 30's.

 "I used to be snow white but I drifted".  May West
Doesn't she remind you of Grace Kelly?
 Norma Shearer
 "I've been in more laps than a napkin". May West
Shearer made a total of thirteen silent films in the early 20's and was considered the "queen of MGM".

NS in a fashionable cloche hat.

Come back tomorrow when we'll discuss American expatriates living in Paris during the 20's.  Can't wait!
Have a beautiful day.

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