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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The first time I seriously considered the inspiration board as a decorating element was thanks to my daughters.  When they were young teenagers  they began tearing up my old magazines to decorate their closet doors.  Which soon ran over to their walls, then the door to the room, then.....they even had some images on the ceiling.  Only the floor was spared.
Every dorm room they ever had was decorated with images from old magazines, calenders, or old text books. whenever they found beautiful, inspiring pictures they would become part of the collage.  It was beyond beautiful, oh how I wish I had pictures to share. 
The following images are examples of inspiration boards used in decor, or inspiration boards as works of art.  Hope these inspire you.

The nice thing about cork board is it really is so easy to change your images.  It does tend to wear out in time, however.

This one really blurs the line between inspiration board and art.   I love.

Love the nail head trim.  So smart looking.

I can't imagine the patience this took.  Interesting though, right?

This one is very similar to what our daughters would do.  Wow, I really do miss them.

Inspiration board on a door.  Smart.

Do you have an inspiration/mood/color/collage board?  Is it part of the decor?  Would love to know.

Personal note:  Last night I finished one the the most profoundly beautiful books I've read in a very long time.  The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.  Have you read it?  If so, let's talk.  If not, please do...and then, let's talk.

Have a beautiful day.


  1. I love the red desk one best. Also the dark large pic fashion wall. Great to see what else is out there! Brax

  2. As much as I love Pinterest, nothing beats a large-scale, at-a-glimpse idea of what inspires you. I don't have one, but want one SO badly!

  3. Oh, the Better Homes and Gardens one with the nailheads is just gorgeous. I have taken mine down and I realize that I need a new one.
