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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The average American home has several rooms...room for sleeping, room for cooking and eating, room for the children and their toys, room for bathing, room for living....and are decorated accordingly.
If you are quite fortunate you may have a room for creativity, hopefully, you at least have a corner or a desk somewhere that is all your own, used for your creative pursuits.  This space, this creative space, is much more difficult to decorate.  How does one decorate for a space where anything can happen?  How do you create a space for something which is not yet realized?
1963 Airstream trailer transformed into an artist studio.  Via design sponge.

Francis Bacon's studio.
 Ultimately, your creative space will need to accommodate  two entirely different levels of activity.  There is the need for space to think, dream and plan, as well as space for blow out the doors high energy creative explosion.
In our studio, Braxton and I have our desks at one end of the room and the other end is where we plan to have a sofa, chairs, tables and soft lighting for our thinking and planning time.  We have a looong way to go, but are taking steps in the right direction.  (photos later in the week.)
By Man Sumari.

Chuck Close in his studio.
 I found a wonderful article @about.com written by Rodika Tchi on Feng Shui for artists.  She suggests that in order to attract the best energy into your creative space, you should answer these questions.
  1. What is the main energy I want in this space, what specific activity is the space intended for?
  2. What works best for me and how do I need to feel in order to preform this activity?

Jackson Pollock
Ms. Tchi suggests applying these tips in order to attract positive creative energy...
  1. Have elements from nature (plants etc.)
  2. Have strong blocks of color and movement (art, music etc.)
  3. Display your successful projects...very important in my opinion
  4. Create a "no rules" area....make all the mess you want. 
John Singer Sargent

As with other areas of the house your creative space will need storage, yet you will want to access the tools you need (whether a paint brush, perfect pencil, hot pink thread or purple tassel) immediately.  No rummaging through drawers or pulling stacks of things off of shelves in order to get to something at the bottom of the pile.  In creative spaces a certain degree of clutter is inevitable, even desirable.

A perfectly lovely studio in France.
Creating space for your art, whatever it is, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.  Once you have your own space you will find your creative mind will come alive with ideas.   You deserve your own corner of the world!
Have a beautiful day.