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Thursday, October 6, 2011


As you know, Braxton and I live in a small house.  While there are numerous advantages to living in a small space, one of the challenges is that every single piece of furniture needs purpose, if possible, more than one purpose.
It may come as a surprise to know that I have one piece of furniture which most would consider an extravagance...a dressing table... my husband's grandmother's dressing table. I never want to go back to putting on make up while standing up at the bathroom sink.  Ever again.
If you have the room, I urge you to acquire a dressing table.  If that's not possible please commandeer your very own drawer and make up mirror (I got mine at Sally's Beauty Supply) somewhere other than your steam filled bathroom.
 I don't want to give you the impression that I am a self absorbed makeupista (yep, I just made that one up) but I use my makeup table every single day.  All those drawers are perfect for storing all the junk products I use but don't necessarily want to look at all day.  I keep my makeup and my fingernail polish in the left hand drawers, my hand mirror and night creams in the middle drawer, and all my hair stuff (brushes, combs, barrettes, etc) in the right hand drawers.  On the top are perfumes, brushes, and pretty containers that I like to see.  I would never have room for all of that in my tiny bathroom!

One reason I'm an early riser (5:30 am) is because it gives me precious quiet time at my makeup table before anyone else gets up.  I'm telling ya, nothing makes you feel more like a lady than sitting at a vanity and carefully putting on your face before your day begins.

All the years we've been married, I've never seen Braxton sit at my table, not even once.  I suppose that's why it's a bit of an extravagance,  I am the only one who uses it.....although come to think of it...he does use the mirror when he puts on his tie in the mornings. 

 My makeup routine is fairly simple.  My goal is to look attractive, better, maybe even younger.  The following pictures show what can be accomplished when makeup is in the hands of true artists.  Only for the truly brave, or truly well paid, obviously.

 Does everyone dream of having a dressing room?  A room filled with so many clothes and accessories they need to be color coordinated?  Oh, and perfect lighting?  Yea, me too. 
Dressing room eye candy........

As an example of someone who has elevated the act of getting dressed to an art form, and she doesn't even need a dressing room to do it...I give you Daphne Guiness.  As an experiment in performance art, she went from nude as a baby to completely dressed with full hair and makeup, all while in the window at Barney's NY, before this years Met Ball.

 Clearly Ms. Guiness doesn't dress for the men/man in her life, because I think most of these outfits could be considered man repellent.  The girl has low hangers.

Hearing the news that Steve Jobs is no longer with us has kind of blown my mind today.  What would the world look like if we all believed in ourselves and our abilities as much as he apparently believed in his?

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become"  Steve Jobs

Thank you for all your genius Mr. Jobs.
Have a beautiful day.

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