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Monday, October 10, 2011


Before we get started, please know that this weeks muse is not meant to exclude anyone, at all. The subject this week is not religion but religious symbolism and how it can inspire modern decor, fashion, jewelry, gardens and anything else we can think of.  
The symbolism associated with the Christian faith is what I'm most familiar with, but I will be including symbolism associated with other faiths as well....Buddhism, Judaism, Islam  etc.
What about the symbolism of non-faith?

Just looking at this makes me breathe deeper.

The cutest chapel I could find.
What about the long history of religious symbolism in jewelry? Is it disrespectful to wear a christian cross or star of david just for ornamentation?

I would like to discuss the use of religious iconography in fashion....would you wear your religion on your sleeve?
Obviously the designer is making a point here, but if this necklace were smaller wouldn't it be lovely?

For me, nature has always been a spiritual space.  I've learned that religious symbolism used in gardening in actually quite popular, especially in England.
I hope to discuss the need for quiet contemplative space in our homes, which would obviously be an appropriate place for spiritual or religious objects which add to a sense of calm.
Would you place religious icons over your bed?  What about over a sexy bed like this one?  Do the icons defeat the purpose of a sexy bed?  My head is spinning.
This is bound to be a challenging muse.  I would love to hear your thoughts on the use of religious imagery in contemporary design.  Please join the conversation, you are always welcome here.
Have a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. I like the High Five Buddha supergraphic! Reminds me of Buddy Christ in Dogma :) Brax
