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Monday, November 14, 2011


The world of design is full of geometric shapes.....lines, curves, squares, circles, etc.,.. which are used to make patterns.   As we've learned already, the eye will naturally follow a line, weather it's straight, curvy or ends in a point (such as an arrow), making the line a perfect tool to convey height or width within a pattern.

  But what happens when the eye views a series of filled in circles?  We smile!
 This week let's explore the use of spots, circles, polka dots or whatever you wish to call them, in fashion and interior design.  Apparently polka dots are much more whimsical than I originally thought, because I've been having difficulty finding photos of interiors that rock the dot, other than nurseries or kids rooms.
I will be searching for examples of dots used in sophisticated design as well as the fun happy design we love so much here at braxtonandyancey.

 Remember in the movie Legally Blond (which is a really fun one btw)?  Elle's college advisor responded to her desire to attend Harvard Law by saying...."Harvard won't be impressed that you aced The History of Polka Dots".  Seriously?  Who wouldn't be impressed with that?

On the outside chance there is someone reading this who isn't quite certain about the whole polka dot concept...let's define shall we?

Polka Dot: a pattern consisting of an array of filled circles, generally equally sized and spaced relatively closely in relation to their diameters.

Thank you once again Mr. Wikki.

 Please join us this week as we rock the dot, it's bound to make us smile!
Have a beautifully dotty day.

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