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Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 Let's begin by taking a peak at some fashion that definitely rocks the Pop Art theme.
Brought to the U.S. in the 1980's by the Sanrio Company, Hello Kitty has become a world wide symbol of popular Japanese culture.

I love how this girl has paired her Pop Art t-shirt (is there any image more "Pop" than Marilyn Monroe?) with yellow eyeshadow, green nails, and my God what is she wearing on her legs?

Can you see the names on the bottom of these shoes?  The one on the left says Katy and the one on the right says Perry.  Where do I get some of those?  With braxton and yancey of course.

Lip Rings.  Very expensive lip rings I might add.

Lisa Perry and friend (daughter maybe?) in LP designed dresses.  No one does Pop Art fashion like LP.

This may not technically be Pop Art inspired, but I do so love this.  I'm pretty certain that
 my beloved Jonathan Adler has also been inspired by this design, remember his pillows?

Katy Perry's Muppet dress.  I just realized that the background here would indicate that KP has made some sort of Pirate Porno, am I crazy?  How did I not know about this?

Something about his face just lends itself to Pop Art.

This dress would definitely not flatter me, at all, but I do love it.
 Now let's look at some fashion that seems to have been inspired by Pop Art.
  Anyone who's read a fashion magazine lately is familiar with color blocking which is the pairing of two or more bold bright colors.  You know I love color....so naturally I love this trend.  What are your thoughts?

For those who wish to start slowly with color blocking I would try super colorful shoes with an otherwise neutral outfit.  These blue/green booties would obviously look great with black.  Later you could add a bright pocketbook (like the one below) and keep it going from there.  According to Lucky magazine....when it comes to color blocking, more is more.

A casual outfit based on color blocking........
 ....and a fancy one too.

I love that she adds a shot of red here with her stockings.

 Do you think that these looks require an abundance of confidence?  Or does wearing happy bold color give you confidence?  Either way its a win, right?
Have a beautifully colorful day!


  1. Pop Art -- everything old is new again! I'm old enough to remember a lot of this the first time around. Love the bright colors.

  2. The marylin monroe tee is fab! do you know what brand it is or where to buy it?

  3. Sorry, wish I could help but I have no idea. Isn't Marilyn the best! Thanks for reading, and happy new year.
