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Monday, November 21, 2011


 I admit I'm a bit of a magpie.  Living in a small house for many years I've come to appreciate the many qualities of shiny surfaces, especially mirrors. I paint every surface with high gloss paint, even walls, I love sparkly jewelry, shiny lip gloss, all things sequined, sparkly wine, and shiny happy people.
Lets talk, this week, about......decorating with mirrored furniture.......
 ....the mesmerizing quality of mirrored art........
Sky Mirror by Anish Kapoor in Manhattan
 .......sparkly fashion........
 ....even shiny nails......let's have some good sparkly fun!

I really don't know where my magpie tendencies come from....I'm pretty sure no one else in my family would have much of an appreciation for this room,  but I'm ready to move in....today.

Mirrored labyrinth by Jeppe Hein

Yes, you've seen this before, but is any room more beautiful than Miles Redd's bathroom?

Are you a fellow magpie?  Do you decorated with mirrors, wear sequins, gravitate toward all things sparkly?  Let's talk.

Have a sparkly day.

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