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Thursday, December 15, 2011


Hot pink dresses
 If you happen to be a colorphobe and looking for ways to dip your toe into the crayon box, I have three ideas...start with a dress, coat, or shoes in a kick ass color, such as hot pink.   A dress because you're already feeling festive and feminine, a coat because you'll wear it everyday in cold weather, plus it's usually closest to your face where you really need some color, or shoes because they are a great way to add a small touch of color to an otherwise neutral outfit.

 "A pink dress, matching bow and her pony tail"  George Strait
I absolutely love a shirt dress, which is flattering to almost any figure.  The only thing better than a shirt dress?....a hot pink shirt dress!

"Pink is the color of romance and a friend told me that the girl in the pink dress is always the one selected to dance"  Alfred Carl Hottes
                Hot pink coats
Imagine brightening up a grey winters day with a hot pink overcoat.  Everyone will smile at you and you know it's more flattering than that boring black one you almost bought.

 "I fell off my pink cloud with a thud"  Elizabeth Taylor

 "Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed"  Elle Woods

                 Hot pink shoes
Basic black pants, check, basic black sweater, check, hot pink shoes...you rule!!!
" I believe in pink"  Audrey Hepburn
I love the idea of a bride in hot pink shoes.....why oh why didn't I think of that?

Would this outfit be worth a second look if not for the shoes?

Again, a touch of hot pink  saves the day.
Have a beautiful day.

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