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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


It is not my intention to glamorize or make light of what surely was a horrific event for everyone who was alive on December 7th 1941, but the photos from two of (in my opinion) the best movies made about Pearl Harbor bring to life the beauty and romance of a place and time.
As Braxton pointed out to me this morning, one positive outcome of the attack was that it opened our eyes to a part of the world many Americans had never seen....the islands of the south pacific.

See if you can spot the Polynesian influence in fashion and decor in the following pictures.

 Sergent Milton Warden:  "Rose, do you know why I like to have you serve me beer?  So I can watch you when you walk away"

Karen Holms:  "You certainly chose a lovely spot for our meeting.  I've had three chances to be picked up in the last five minutes"

Karen Holms:  "I never knew it could be like this!  Nobody ever kissed me the way you do"

Evelyn:  If I had one more night to live...I'd wanna spend it with you"

 Admiral Kamamoto:  "A brilliant man would find a way not to fight a war"

 Rafe:  "You are so beautiful it hurts"
Have a beautiful day.

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