about us

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


                                              Meet our new/vintage coffee table.
 This past weekend Braxton and I celebrated our wedding anniversary by indulging in one of our favorite activities....thrifting.  We traveled to Lexington Virginia to visit a antique/thrift/junk store we had been to once before....we were not looking for anything in particular....you know, just browsing...when...look over there, under all those boxes, covered in dust and old shoes...what is that?  A mid century modern gem of a coffee table!
The top of the table shows some slight damage.....
 nothing that my mid century nut dish won't cover.

The glass panels on the sides slide out.

At first we couldn't decide what those wood strips were for....book stops of course, duh!

More book storage in the side.

Perfect for our design books and magazines.

I've taken out the books to show you the detail on the shelf....has anyone seen anything like this before?

The side closest to the sofa.

I love the bit of sparkle added by the glass.
 Now I'm going to brag a bit....the price tag said $65.00, then I noticed a sign saying everything was 25% off...meaning we got this beautiful thing for $50.00!  Happy Anniversary in deed!
There are absolutely no markings that we can find.  Do any of you know anything about this table?  Have you ever seen anything like it?  Please let me know.

Our old coffee table now lives in the studio...I think I'll paint it black, if I can convince Braxton.

I did some research, trying to find any information about our table...and nothing...absolutely nothing...not even close.  I did find some interesting mid century tables that I thought you might like.

A classic style I love.

Like mine, this one has some storage for books.

Danish modern.  Love the simplicity of DM.

Similar to the detail on my shelf.

We thought long and hard about this one, almost bought it, but it was way too long for our living room.  Now I'm so glad we passed it by.

This one seems to defy gravity.

Please let us know if you can identify our table...anything?
Have a beautiful day.