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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Remember our new bar cart?  This coffee table, with its heavy brass, reminds me of it.  I've been   kicking around ideas for brass/glass tables for a while and this one is a huge inspiration for me!

 Braxton and I are back from five days spent at the worlds largest furniture market.  It was exciting, exhausting, overwhelming, fattening and fun.
I've been to HPFM for several years now, and I usually spend most of my time in the main building, which is where the best stuff is.  This year I ventured off and found, in another building, in the darkest corner, away from the crowds....the "antique market".
The antique market, as the name would suggest, is a showing of mostly local (east coast) antique dealers...some were more mom & pop, some were quite sophisticated collectors, and a few were dealing in Mid Century Modern.  Oh my!
I took some pics for you, which are not as clear as I would have liked due to the  darkness of the building.  I'll try to explain what you are seeing...
I couldn't get over the beauty of this grass green love seat against the orange walls!  Notice the danish modern magazine stand?....

Here it is again.  This I love.

Love the Mary Blair quality of the horse and rider.  Does this remind you of the illustrations in Sleeping Beauty?

B. and I have been looking for the perfect tension lamp.  This one isn't it, but still....

Love a good corner piece...not certain about the fancy metal work, but I do admire the doors and hardware.

This piece was incredible.  Difficult to tell in the photo, but this curves away from the wall.

I especially love the painting that leaning on the wall above this piece.

I thought the prices were rather steep for MCM, but that's to be expected at market.

This killed me!  Two kidney (or yin/yang) shaped brass/glass tables.  Can you see the one in the foreground?  Used together, or on either side of a sofa, these are so Hollywood glam!

Love this pair of chairs, the upholstery was in perfect condition.


Clunky, and I really don't like the fabric, but I can think of a million ways to make this better.  Inspiration!

Love this bright green!
Eating in restaurants for four days definitely did a number on my metabolism and skin...all that sodium and fat.  I'm so ready to get back to healthy eating and my exercise routine.  Glad to be back, yall!
I'll be posting more pics (not MCM "antiques") later in the week.
Did anyone else go to market?  What inspired you the most?

Have a beautiful day.

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