Graphic Art as Muse for Fashion Design –
A Home Decorating Fusion that Rocks the Mod!
Speaking of very
Un-Furniture Store stuff, how ‘bout spanking some furniture with great edgy graphic art!
I just got back from
High Point Furniture Market in North Carolina, and
DAMN. Talk about boring! In fairness, not everything was boring, but most of it was. The industry has been knocking itself off on classic design for 200 years. Man, get over it! Try something new! Give us something exciting and fresh!
The fusion of graphic art and home décor
is exciting and fresh. It pulls from the Pop Art tradition of Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, which we love, and Pop Art totally works with the vibe we are creating at AcornHill, and is perfect with the Mod collection we are designing.
Graphic art fusion is
youthful, it’s
colorful, it’s
fun, it’s a little
in your face like graffiti. Love it! So
not High Point NC, and Damn, I needed a
coolness injection after this last trip. Bigtime : ) .
The pictures that follow tell a very un-furniture store story. Not for everyone, but it’s definitely
not going to bore you to sleep. Hope you enjoy!
Shine on! Braxton
Sexy |
Great chair - juxt of Old School chair design + New School graphics |
Mid-Century styling to graphic bench! |
Cool switchplate |
Collection becomes decor |
Monsters Ball Graphic pillow |
Cones of POWER! Fun idea! Could print these out yourself... |
Groovy panel art - this room needs to pull some red into the bedspread or lamps to rock. A little anemic, but a good start to a bold story. |
Way too busy, somebody get me an aspirin! : ) - but a wild ride. Good muse... |
Love this! Bold B/W graphic. Artistic statement. Goes with the bed in the first pic. |
Classic Lichtensteinesque art, bold wall and trim tie in. Rocks. |
Don't adjust your screen- terrible pic but a cool project you can glue up yourself for the fridge. Glass glob+glue+image+glue+magnet. We've done these ourselves. Easy cool decor. |
Great bold statement with red wall and more formalized look with framed comic art. |
Not home decor, but fun halloween dress. Great muse! |
Great pic with juxt of comic art and industrial wall and window. Sweet! |
Link to Related Post on Cool Comic Book Art in Home Decor
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