Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Busy day at our house.  Today we catch a train, well actually, our daughter catches a train.  Off for a new adventure.  You know that saying "enjoy them while they're young because they grow up so fast"?  Cliche, I know, but it's a cliche for a's true, so true.  We've had a swinging door policy at our house for a few years now.  Ever since they graduated from High School, the girls have occasionally come home between semesters, adventures and various travels to see the world.  Every time they leave, it's hard.  Just saying. 
I can't leave you without at least one TIM BURTON image today.  I love the haunting (no pun intended) quality of this....Jack Skeleton all alone on top of that mountain with a majestic moon behind him......beautiful.
I promise a longer post tomorrow,  until then,  enjoy your children!
Have a beautiful day.

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