Friday, September 16, 2011

3D Storyboarding Presentation Idea...

Since Yancey/Blogspot is experiencing technical difficulties posting today, I thought I would see what is interesting on YouTube and try to post this from work today.

This is a cool idea for Storyboarding and selling your designs and ideas to a client. Interesting way to leverage technology to tell a more compelling story with motion and music - like a mini fashion show. Pretty funky juxt of 2D and 3D here. Reminds me of Yellow Submarine or Monty Python.

At Pre-Market for the furniture industry in High Point, NC recently, I saw a salesmen leverage his IPad and show an interactive slide show pitch for his furniture line. It was so much more professional than pulling out a lot of furniture catalogs and wood samples and tear sheets. It was cleaner, more mobile, and certainly more compact if you are selling someone in a crowded setting like a restaurant. It also had the advantage of being brief, 20 minutes, and on point, as well as being able to send a copy or share with others. Basically a first selling opportunity before pulling out wood samples or swatches later on. 

3D Storyboarding is new to me. Anyone else using something like this or leveraging technology to tell a compelling design story?

*********NEWSFLASH - THIS RECENTLY IN*************

Yancey's FASHION INSPIRATION BOARD post follows. She has overcome the glitch! Yay! I tried to put her (post) on top, which is the way I like it :) but Blogspot is sometimes a demon bitch...

Shine On!

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